
PhoneGap 으로 개발한 것을 iOS의 appstore에 배포

네오류이 2021. 1. 14. 12:04

PhoneGap 으로 개발한 것을 iOS의 appstore에 배포에 대한 질문 답변인데 지금은 사용해볼 수 없지만 나중에 iOS 로 배포할 일이 생길때 이 내용을 참고해야겠다.~


서버방식도 배포하는 것도 괜찮지만.. 왠지 command line 을 하는게 좀 더 편한 것 같습니다.



* 질문~~


I want to make the Release Build for iOS platform with the Distribution Certificate & Mobile Provisioning Profile. I want to do this using Phonegap(Cordova) Command Line Tools where I don't want to open XCode.

I have mobile provisioning profile and distribution certificate. I have also installed XCodeNodeJS on my machine but I don't want to open the Xcode only generate iOS release build using cordova command line tools.

If it is possible then please help me.


* 답변1~~


ordova build ios --device --release

you should have a file called build.json in cordova. In build.json, the content should like this

"ios": { "debug": { "codeSignIdentitiy": "iPhone Development", "provisioningProfile": "*****" }, "release": { "codeSignIdentitiy": "iPhone Distribution", "provisioningProfile": "******" } }


* 답변2~~


You should go on build.phonegap.com and create there an account with an email and a password. After, you login, there are steps:

1. Upload a zip of your project. 2. Start building it for first time. 3. Go on account (top left user icon) -> edit settings 4. Go to on Signing keys and add a new key by uploading the p12 and provisioning files 5. Unlock it using the password of the certificate. 6. Go on apps menu, you should have the app. 7. Press on app title in order to expand the builds 9. Select the key for IOS. After that start a cmd window, make sure you have all requirements met (as is described here:http://docs.phonegap.com/en/3.0.0/guide_cli_index.md.html). In that cmd window, you should perform following commands: phonegap remote login -u <the account email> -p <the password> phonegap remote build ios In order to be all ok, you should be sure to have in config.json file the id of this new account. Also, in order to perform the previous phonegap commands, you need to be in the folder of the project. Please, be aware, the activation of the ios key is around 1 hour. If you want to do this automatically, you should first login, unlock the key, and build.


